Every month, Avery and Drew explore what we play, how we play, and why we play. From board and video games to escape rooms, from cat cafes to fantasy football, we believe that play is powerful. It’s an opportunity to explore power dynamics, practice agency, and discover how we can change the status quo through play. Play’s fulfillment, learning, and connection is what powers us, and that’s what makes it powerful!
Monday Jan 15, 2024
Playing Rebellion, Misbehaving, and the Carnivalesque
Monday Jan 15, 2024
Monday Jan 15, 2024
Ever feel like breaking the rules? Putting on a costume and pretending to be naughty? Join Avery and Drew as they discover when and where playful misbehavior is accepted, maybe even expected. From Mardi Gras to drag shows, when do players get to color outside the lines? When are small acts of rebellion enough, and when do they lead to larger movements? Demand candy, throw tea in the water, and draw a lipstick V on your friend’s head as we make like Firefly and aim to misbehave!
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