Every month, Avery and Drew explore what we play, how we play, and why we play. From board and video games to escape rooms, from cat cafes to fantasy football, we believe that play is powerful. It’s an opportunity to explore power dynamics, practice agency, and discover how we can change the status quo through play. Play’s fulfillment, learning, and connection is what powers us, and that’s what makes it powerful!
Monday Oct 14, 2024
Playing Science, Nature, and Medicine
Monday Oct 14, 2024
Monday Oct 14, 2024
Ever dream of being a mad scientist, mixing chemicals with a maniacal laugh? Or an emergency medic traveling the world saving patients from a pandemic? This month high school biology teacher Kristen Cruz joins Avery and Drew to explore the ways science “plays out” in society. Join us as we look at classrooms, video games, and more to find the ways science exists all around us and calls us to playfully engage with natural laws! Note: this episode includes discussions of dissection as teaching strategy, including the ways specimens for dissection are obtained.
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